Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Understanding Deep Bite

Restoring Oral Function and Aesthetics for Comprehensive Oral Health

Full Mouth Rehabilitation, also known as full mouth reconstruction or smile makeover, is a comprehensive dental treatment that aims to restore the function, health, and aesthetics of the entire mouth. This transformative approach addresses a wide range of dental issues, including damaged teeth, bite problems, gum disease, and missing teeth. Narayani Dental Clinic specializes in full mouth rehabilitation, offering personalized treatment plans to help patients achieve optimal oral health and a beautiful smile.

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Full Mouth Rehabilitation is a customized and integrated approach to dental care that involves a combination of restorative, cosmetic, and functional procedures to address various dental concerns. The treatment is tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient, considering factors such as oral health, bite alignment, and aesthetic preferences.

Procedure Overview

  • Comprehensive Examination: Begin with a thorough examination at Narayani Dental Clinic. The dentist assesses the overall oral health, including the condition of teeth, gums, jaw joints, and bite alignment.
  • Digital Imaging and Impressions: Utilize advanced imaging technologies, such as digital X-rays and 3D scans, to create a detailed and precise map of the oral structures. Impressions may also be taken to aid in treatment planning.
  • Treatment Planning: Develop a comprehensive treatment plan that may include a combination of restorative procedures, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and periodontal treatments. The plan is tailored to address specific issues identified during the examination.
  • Restorative Procedures: Depending on the individual's needs, restorative procedures such as dental crowns, bridges, veneers, and dental implants may be used to repair or replace damaged or missing teeth.
  • Orthodontic Treatments: Orthodontic interventions, such as braces or clear aligners, may be included to correct bite misalignments, improve jaw function, and enhance the overall aesthetic harmony of the smile.
  • Periodontal Treatments: Address gum disease and ensure optimal gum health through deep cleanings, scaling, and other periodontal treatments.
  • Cosmetic Dentistry: Include cosmetic enhancements like teeth whitening, bonding, or porcelain veneers to improve the overall appearance of the smile.
  • Prosthodontic Solutions: Employ prosthodontic solutions like dentures or dental implants to restore function and aesthetics for patients with significant tooth loss.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: Establish a personalized maintenance plan to ensure the long-term success of the full mouth rehabilitation. Regular check-ups and cleanings are crucial for maintaining oral health.

Reasons to Choose Full Mouth Rehabilitation

  • Comprehensive Solution: Mouth Rehabilitation provides a holistic approach, addressing a wide range of dental concerns in one comprehensive treatment plan.
  • Restoration of Function:The treatment aims to restore proper oral function, including biting, chewing, and speech, which may be compromised due to various dental issues.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Mouth Rehabilitation not only restores function but also enhances the aesthetic appearance of the smile, improving confidence and self-esteem.
  • Treatment Customization:Each full mouth rehabilitation plan is highly customized to meet the unique needs and preferences of the individual patient, ensuring optimal results.
  • Improved Quality of Life:By addressing dental problems comprehensively, full mouth rehabilitation can significantly improve a patient's overall quality of life, including oral health, comfort, and self-confidence.
Features of Deep Bite
Features of Deep Bite
Features of Deep Bite
Features of Deep Bite

How Narayani Dental Clinic Can Help

Narayani Dental Clinic is dedicated to providing exceptional full mouth rehabilitation services. Our team of skilled and experienced dentists works collaboratively to create personalized treatment plans that address the specific needs and goals of each patient. The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technologies to ensure precise diagnostics and effective treatment implementation.


The duration of full mouth rehabilitation varies depending on the complexity of the case. It may take several weeks to several months to complete, and the dentist at Narayani Dental Clinic will provide a realistic timeline during the consultation.

The level of discomfort varies based on the procedures involved. The dentist will use appropriate anesthesia and pain management strategies to ensure a comfortable experience for the patient.

Yes, full mouth rehabilitation can be phased according to the patient's needs and priorities. The treatment plan is flexible and can be adapted to accommodate individual circumstances.

No, full mouth rehabilitation is suitable for individuals of all ages. The treatment plan is adjusted based on the patient's overall health and specific dental needs.

Insurance coverage varies, and it's essential to check with the insurance provider. Narayani Dental Clinic's administrative staff can assist in verifying insurance coverage and exploring available financing options.